What to do with Goldenrod – 6 ways to use Goldenrod
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If you have wondered what to do with Goldenrod then your in for a treat. This flower has many healing benefits that will open your eyes to new possibilities.
Goldenrod is a herb that can grow up to 6 feet tall and has yellow flowers. It’s Latin name is Solidago Canadensis and is one of the Asteraceae family. It is native to the Americas, but it has been introduced into Europe as well. The leaves are used for teas and soups, and the roots can be dried and ground for use as a thickener in cooking. There are many other uses for Goldenrod, we will discuss 6 ways you can use this plant!
What does Goldenrod look like:
From a distance the flower of the Goldenrod look like spears, with the yellow flowers making up the spear head. They shoot our from the ground to a maximum of 6 feet. It’s leaves have small teeth looking obtrusions. Generally found at the edge of forests or at times on the side of roads.

When does Goldenrod bloom:
It generally blooms in late summer to early fall. They are beautiful in full bloom and brighten up an area were there are plenty of them. The time to plant them is late fall or spring. They are a hardy plant which some consider as a weed. Although once you know the medicinal benefits of goldenrod you may change your mind.
What to do with Goldenrod:
There are a myriad of uses for Goldenrod, in short it is a herb that remedies imbalances in our eco system. Now that’s a broad answer I know but we offer more explanation in the following paragraph.
The more popular use is it’s use to break kidney stones. It also helps with urinary tract infections and the whole tract area. In line with this area of the body is bladder infections and liver infections.
It does really well with fungal infections such as candida which right now is a huge problem in our modern world.
Here’s a list of symptoms that have been known to assist with.
- Jaundice
- eczema
- hemorrhoids
- antiseptic qualities
- sore through
- mouth wash to clear ulcers
- arthritis
- helps with inflammation
- lowers blood pressure
- allergies
- cold and flus
Making a brew with goldenrod
Using goldenrod is simply a matter of drying the leaves and boiling them in a boiling pot. It’s the simplest and best way to use this herb. You can also use it as a poultice for any skin conditions. I word of caution is to only take goldenrod no more than couple of weeks at a time. Use it fix or ease a condition and then stop taking it. Permanent use may have adverse affects as it has the potential to upset the eco system.
Final Thoughts:
There have been no official studies of treating humans with goldenrod. Much of the information has been procured by first hand experiences and other herbalists. So when using goldenrod use with care and in moderation until you get a good feel for this perennial. My personal experience with is to use it as a tea, I take it when a feel a mouth ulcer is coming along and it does help. As some of you know mouth ulcers can take up to 2 weeks to heal. By taking 3 cups a day of goldenrod over a period of 3 to 4 days when the onset of the ulcer appears it will generally dissipate within a week.
In short this plant is has awesome potential for a healing herb. It offers so many potential uses that it is worth growing goldenrod yourself and using it to better understand it’s healing benefits.