Easy Cockroach Trap – 2 methods without chemicals
Table of Contents
You’re reading this blog post because you have a cockroach infestation problem, and are looking for an easy cockroach trap. We know that the idea of killing or trapping these pests is not pleasant – but it’s also not as difficult as you may think! This article will provide instructions on how to build your own homemade trap so you can be free from cockroaches once and for all. We will focus on one main method that I have used successfully and continue to do so. Although I will also share another natural way that I have used to great success as well.
Why cockroaches are bad:
Not only do cockroaches look ugly they are virulent spreaders of disease. Having cockroaches in the house, especially the kitchen or where food is stored can be an issue. Keeping areas free of food scraps and crumbs is the primary action to avoid attracting cockroaches in the first place. If cockroaches still appear then it’s time to take the gloves off. In the following section we focus on 2 methods that I’ve personally used and both are extremely effective.
There are approximately 4,500 species of cockroaches world wide but the main one we deal with is the German Cockroach pictured below. Either method will work on most if not all cockroaches.

Method 1:
For our first easy cockroach trap obtain a small jar and clean it thoroughly. To the jar add used coffee grains. If you have a coffee machine this shouldn’t be a problem. Add some of the used coffee beans in the jar and place it near the area where you last saw cockroach activity. Rub some olive oil around the inner lip of the jar. This will prevent the cockroaches from climbing out.
Method 2:
With this method you will need some borax, found in most laundries. Mix equal parts borax and sugar and place on some paper. Place the paper near where you last saw cockroaches and leave overnight. The mixture dehydrates the roaches and kills them quickly. The problem with this method is that you may find dead roaches around the house. Which is why I prefer the first method.
You may need to use the methods several times to get all the cockroaches.
Final thoughts:
Using both or each of these methods will eventually solve you cockroach problem without using harsh chemicals that could be harmful to pets or us. Not only are these methods natural and non toxic they are relatively free.
I would love to hear your cockroach trapping experiences. If you have another natural method(s), I would love to hear them. Comment below to help our community.