Best Canned Food For Survival – Best to Stockpile
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There are a lot of things to consider when planning for survival. One of the most important, but often overlooked, is food. What kind of food will you have access to when SHTF? And what’s the best way to store it? In this blog post, we’ll discuss the best canned food for survival and how to store it.
The idea of this canned list is not to be eating this canned diet for long periods of time. It’s designed for emergency situation like power outages, natural disaster and other situations where you have limited access to food. Therefore having a store of food that will see you through the disaster is what it’s intended for. This list not just intended for preppers but to all responsible people that realize that having a store of food in the house is important for family safety.
Is canned food healthy for you?
The short answer is NO, if you stay on a canned diet for long periods of time. As describe earlier this list is designed for weeks and even a few months. It’s not a diet that’s meant to be eaten for years. Canned food is packed with preservatives, salts and sugars so eating them long term would not be a good idea. So, now that’s out of the way let’s get down to our list.
This list endeavors to cover all meat, fish and vegetables proteins and some fruits. This would cover most if not all dietary requirements to stay healthy during an emergency situation. This list is not exhaustive and only reflects our opinion, you can mix and match depending on your taste buds. How much you need to store will depend on the size of your family. As a rough guide we would suggest to calculate the food requirements for one average person and then multiply the number of people living in the household.
Canned Fruit
Canned fruit can be a great addition to your diet, but it’s important to read the label before you buy. Some canned fruits are high in sugar and calories, so choose wisely. If you’re looking for a healthy snack, check out these canned fruit options that are low in sugar and calories. For the canned fruit we chose the fruit cocktail and canned corn.
You can have a list of best canned survival food without the classic spam. Canned spam is a great source of food for survival. It’s affordable, it has a long shelf life, and it’s packed with protein. It can also be used to make some delicious recipes.
Be sure to read my article titled Spam shelf life analysis for preppers and why to store it. I think you’ll find it interesting reading.
Canned Beef
When it comes to finding food sources that will last in case of an emergency, canned beef is a great option. Unlike other foods, canned beef can be stored for long periods of time without spoiling, meaning you’ll have a valuable resource when supplies are running low. We have listed our favorites that are filling, nutritious and scrumptious, I think you’ll agree.
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Canned Chicken
Have you ever considered using canned chicken as a source of survival food? If not, you should! Canned chicken is a versatile and nutritional food that can be used in many different recipes. It’s also easy to store and doesn’t require any refrigeration. With protein, carbs and fats it another good canned option added to our list of best canned food for survival.
Canned Fish
Canned fish can be a great source of both protein and essential fatty acids, which makes it an ideal food for survival situations. Additionally, canned fish is shelf-stable and doesn’t require any special preparation, making it a convenient choice for when you’re on the go. Here are some of the best canned fish options to add to your survival food pantry. Of course tuna is at the top of the list but we have added salmon and sardines for variety. Three fish options to provide all the omega-3, fatty acids and vitamins D and B2 which fish are famous for.
Canned Beans
If you’re like most people, you probably think of canned beans as a mere side dish. But did you know that canned beans can also be a source of survival food? That’s right – in an emergency situation, canned beans can help keep you fed and healthy. Here are just a few of the many reasons why canned beans should be part of your survival kit. Beans are packed with protein, carbs, fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. They are an essential part of any survival food.
Canned Soups
It’s happened before. A natural disaster or other emergency leaves you without power, food, or both. In those times, a can of soup may be your only hope for survival. Although they don’t have the most impressive nutritional profiles, canned soups are non-perishable, require no cooking, and can be eaten right out of the can. And with a little creativity, you can make them into meals that will keep you fed and happy in even the worst situations. So if you’re looking for an easy way to stock your pantry for emergencies, don’t forget the cans of soup!
Best place to store your canned food.
This need not be complicated. The general rule of thumb is to keep your food in a relatively cool and more importantly dry space. Don’t forget to rotate the canned food every so often. Now we now that most canned food can last a very long time, especially the spam for example. It’s a good idea though to change it over once a year. Keep a close on the expiration of you food. You don’t want to have gone through the hard work only to find it has gone off.
Final Thoughts
As you can clearly see there’s no right or wrong in this selection but a guideline to help you choose what’s right for you. It all comes down to personal preference but do try and get a variety, not only for the nutritional value but to keep the family interested. Well I hope you enjoyed our best canned foods for survival, we really enjoyed writing this one. All this talk of food has made me hungry!!.