10 Best Portable Water Filters For Survival
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We delve into the 10 Best Portable Water Filters For Survival on the market. We have scoured far and wide and found these to be some of the best water filters.
In an emergency situation, clean water is essential for survival. While you can live without food for several days, you will only survive without water for a matter of hours. That’s why it’s important to have a portable water filter with you whenever you venture into the wilderness.
There are many different types of portable water filters on the market. This article will showcase the ones we think are the best for your survival and outdoors needs.
The water filter listed as the last one is our top choice and one we recommend.
MSR MiniWorks

The micro filter is the best-selling product in its category, and it’s got something special for outdoor adventures. The lightweight design means you can take your water on any adventure without worrying about carrying extra weight or bulk–and with one liter per minute output rate (enough to share!), this little guy will be there when needed most!
The MiniWorks will change your water into something that is pure and healthy, with no unpleasant tastes or odors. It’s so easy to use! Simply attach the clean side cover onto an outlet pipe connection in order for you not to have any cross contamination from previous uses of another type filters; then screw it securely shut before placing this little beauty inside its cage at home base camp – where all good adventures begin…
A great way (and maybe even THE best) idea would be by flushing out those pesky carbon particles present when new cartridges come aboard.
The filter is easy to use and will always provide clean water. The only thing you need for your first time using it, are some clear drinking sources! Make sure to have good quality water to avoid getting silty or cloudy because this can clog up the pores on its own which would require more maintenance from then user themselves in order preserve efficiency with their purchase
The mini works ex micro filter is specially designed to work with a pumping speed of 70-80 strokes per minute. When you’re done pumping, simply unscrew the air spring from inside your clean water container and seal it off before removing any leftover moisture by venting out through an outlet at bottom right corner (not shown). This will guarantee that there are no harmful chemicals mixed in!
Grayl Geopress Water Purifier
Having a tough time getting clean water on your next adventure? Why not try Geopress, the portable and efficient purifier designed for all-around use. This nifty invention takes up less space than most other units while providing top notch performance!
The GException backpack is more than just an ordinary water filter. It works on every continent, whether you’re hiking near Mount Kilimanjaro or salsa dancing in GUATEMALA! We’ve got your back with our patented design that provides complete protection against all pathogenic bacteria including viruses. Making sure what’s inside tastes great too, thanks to filtering out pollutants like chemicals heavy metals microplasma plus many others unwanted surprises found lurking within artisanal river waters.
The geocache topography is designed with a non-slip material on all heavy use services. The tactile sensations make it easy to find in wet conditions or when you’re wearing gloves, while the strategically placed Pure Clean Spout Cap allows for quick purification by pressing and twisting just one half turn before releasing pressure via an outward airflow that reaches every corner of your mouth during each gentle press! This means even children can easily embark upon their adventures without fear–they won’t need anyone else’s help because this product does everything.
Survivor Pro X Electric Water Filter

The survivor filter pro-x is a portable, electric water filtration system that allows you to get clean drinking water from any source. It’s the world’s first ever product of its kind – no manual labor required! All it takes are push button commands for this handy gadget and within seconds your cup will be brimming with delicious filtered drinking water. In our opinion is one of the best portable water filters of it’s kind.
The Pro-X is a lightweight, water resistant device that can provide clean drinking water for up to 5 people in an emergency situation. It uses no energy from your power source and its filtration system ensures you’re getting only the finest quality of river or sea sourced fluids into each sip!
We’ve incorporated the same proven technology used in our survivor filter probe. This three-stage system is unmatched by any portable water filtration device on today’s market, and it allows us to remove 99% of viruses AND bacteria while reducing heavy metals up past EPA standards – all without sacrificing taste or quality! We also designed these filters so they’re easy enough for anyone (even kids) can use them; simply fill ‘er up with dirty tap water until there are no more liters left before changing out your own set
MSR Autoflow Gravity Water Filter

The same proven technology used in our survivor filter probe has been incorporated to create a three-stage system that is unmatched by any portable water filtration devices on the market. This allows us, as well as you who may use this product for survival purposes or emergency preparedness operations (such things are stockpiling). Not only do we have access clean drinking water but also remove heavy metals like lead which can cause cognitive disorders; improve taste and odorlessness too! We’ve designed it, so easy cleanup will be done around 100 000 liters before replacement filters need set up again–with automatic installation.
Improved design means more space inside your pack for other things, like food and water. The filter works by letting gravity do all the work while you’re out doing whatever it is that people who go camping do. They just have a lot more time on their hands! You can also use these filters at home to make sure everything tastes good even when there’s no running stream nearby.
A new autoflow microfilter has been added which continues meeting high standards in terms of removal rate (1 liter per minute). This powerful little piece allows users both outdoorsy adventures or stays right here near our desktops where we always seem busy. Making it one of our 10 best portable water filters for survival.
The 4-liter autoflow system allows you to filter large quantities at once, making it perfect for groups. Our new 2 Liter water resistant design is sized perfectly as a backpacking duet with its lightweight and low profile design. This will ensure reliable effortless wilderness adventures into remote areas of the planet earth’s natural wonderland where fresh clean drinking H2O can be hard find!
Katadyn Hiker Pro Water Filter

The Katadyn hiker pro is an upgraded version of the popular water filter. It provides 30% more capacity and includes quick release fittings to attach it directly onto your backpack or hydration pack for easy access while hiking in remote areas without any sources nearby! The best part? You don’t have worry about cleaning this thing. Its filters provide safe drinking water by simply placing pre-filter before tap source then pumping out debris until only clean H2O remains at all comes back into pipes leading up from ground level.
The hiker pro is the best choice for an ultralight, backpacking water filter. It’s small enough to fit in any pack and makes a lot of fresh drinking-quality (and safe) hydration easy with its high technology pleated glass fiber construction that captures 99%+ sunlight transmission while also being durable enough not only withstand rough conditions but provide optimal flow rate throughout varied environments.
MSR TrailShot Water Filter

The micro filter is a revolutionary water bottle that will help you save weight on your next run. It’s shorter than two comparable bottles and can be stored in the pocket of any backpack or hydration pack for instant access when needed! The tiny size also means it’ll work almost anywhere. trail runs down mountain trails, cross country adventures through rough terrain-even while hiking at high elevation where dehydration may pose risky problems.
This nifty gadget was designed so runners have clean drinking water ready without having to carry extra supplies.
Imagine the freedom of not having to buy bottled water for your next adventure. With this filter, you can enjoy reliable clean drinking-water anytime anywhere! It fits in a simple pocket or pouch along side my bars and its quick release design lets me drop it into place without hassle – just put pre filtered aquariums below H2O sources so that they’re always within reach when needed toughest situations (like hiking through tracker whipped desserts!). The Trails Shot Filter uses hollow fiber technology which meets high standards from removing prooenza like giardia & cryptosporidium as well bacteria such e coli salmonella.
KATADYNE Gravity BeFree 3.0L Water Filter

Katadyne gravity filters are perfect for when you need clean water quickly and easily. The three liter capacity means that it will last all day long, even with heavy use! Its simple design makes filter maintenance quick. No back flushing necessary because there’s nothing blocking your intake slot so air comes straight from above which keeps impurities at bay. Without allowing them inside the container itself where they could cause problems by causing gasses like chlorine or other unwanted chemicals to form. It also ensures any bacteria has little room too grow before being filtered.
Katadyne’s gravity filter is a nifty little invention that makes it easy to fill up before you go on your next camping trip, and will keep Fido hydrated too! It also cleans easily with just one shake or swish through water source. The best part? You can take this lightweight design anywhere – whether its into the mountains for an outdoor adventure, by boat over calm lakesides where there are no tap handles close-by. Even when traveling abroad as opposed to lugging around bulky gas powered units which could get costly fast if not done correctly first time around due mainly because they’re so heavy.
LIFESTRAW Personal Water Filter

Lifestraw is a revolutionary water filter that allows you to drink clean, safe drinking water anywhere. It’s small enough for easy storage and lightweight so it doesn’t weigh down your backpack or cause discomfort when carried throughout an adventure – perfect if there’s no access point near where we’ll be traveling! The LifeStraw filters 1k gallons of pure lifesaving H2O equivalent per cartridge which means they can last up tp 1000 uses. This may not be our best choice but is very popular and small enough to carry just about anywhere.
PLATAPUS Gravity Works 4.0L Water Filter

Gravityworks 4-liter system is a fast and easy way to filter lots of water. Whether you’re deep in the backcountry or car camping at trailhead. The large 4 liters reservoirs allow for quick filtration with no effort – it takes only 1/2 hour before your first drink! Additionally there’s enough storage capacity so that even during high demand situations (up 8 pods), all will be accorded cleanliness without worry about running low on supplies beforehand…
What’s the best way to filter water? It is not always easy finding a clean source, but with this system it only takes one tap of your hose. The dirty reservoir can be filled from any nearby puddle or stream that you find while out on an adventure – no need for silly filters at scenic overlooks! Use zip ties and elevate them so they’re higher than anything else around (a tree works well).
The input tells us how-to do everything step by steps; there isn’t much colloquialism used in these.
Filtering at maximum speed, the dirty reservoir above rest of system extending hose as much possible allow little water collect in clean filter and raise it up high so you can flush any air that entered into your device. If camping far away from drinking source then after filtering eight liters onsite first before filling ozone contaminated waters back home again with only 2L left inside both tanks!
You can choose from different closure caps to match your needs in the field. A quick 4 second back flush is all that’s required for regular maintenance. It will keep things running smoothly! Approximately every 8 liters (depending on water quality). Do this simple procedure: reverse four seconds then let flow into dirty reservoir until running clear again.
Doing this quickly becomes second nature and will ensure you the best speed and long term performance from your filter. However, you travel if you want the most water with the least hassle, there’s no beating the gravity works.
SAWYER Squeeze Water Filter – Our Best Choice!!!

With the Sawyer Squeeze Filter, you can enjoy hiking and camping with a light weight total field of three ounces. The pouches are affordable at only $8 each for all sizes! This filter is perfect because it’s packable meaning no more heavy backpacks or tents when traveling abroad- just bring your water bottle so that there will be plenty left over after filling up on some adventure near campfire.
In order to use this product simply select which pouch size best fits what kind travel plans have in mind then fill them both equally full before screwing off the top.
Whether you’re at home or abroad, don’t trust bottled water when traveling. The filter will keep your drink safe and healthy with its large surface area that catches any dirty needles from the tap—and it takes less than 20 seconds! If needed (rare!), follow these steps to backwash: Unscrew push-pull cap on bottom of Squeeze Filters; fill included syringe between two filters until foam begins draining out into jars.
In our opinion this portable water filter is the best option for all outdoor activities.
Final Thoughts
As you can see there is a host of choices for getting clean filtered water our in the wild. It was a difficult job as all the portable water filters we review here are great for all outdoor situations. So, next time your hiking, camping, backpacking or a filter to store in your bug out bag any one of these will do the job. Our best choice though is the SAWYER Squeeze Water Filter, it really is small to carry, lightweight and does an awesome job.